Friday, December 19, 2014

Final Class Reflection

This class started out by me needing an English credit so I picked something that sounded easy, but it turned out that it has taught me a lot more real-life skills than many of my other, core classes have, and was actually pretty interesting. 

The assignments that we got in here all had a point to them, and by doing these assignments and discussing them in class we learned valuable writing skills that we may need in the future for our job, applications, etc. Beyond that, we also did the whole project with the deployment strategy, campaign, and grant proposal, which was a great first step in experiencing the process of creating and deploying a groups ideas in hopes to better change the world. The grant proposal was also pretty difficult to make because there are so many factors involved. It wasn't just a typical essay, and that made it much harder. 

The discussions we had were also really interesting. We talked a lot about society's dependence on media and technology, and how it shapes our lives and causes us to think in different ways. The discussions were pretty heavy though, in the sense that the questions weren't simple if you really wanted to give a good, honest answer. It was also really cool to listen to what other people in class think or believe because everyone thinks differently. Some people have completely opposite opinions and it's interesting to hear what they have to say. This was a big part of our campaign groups because we all had to compromise when we had different opinions on things.

Overall I liked the class. If I have room in my schedule I may consider taking another English course at some point. 

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