Unlike most classes, I actually like
attending this class and going to the screening periods. It’s really laid back
and often we just talk about things. The coursework hasn’t been too demanding
at all, and the writing assignments tend to be engaging at least. I would have
to say that my favorite thing about this class are the movies or shorts or
documentaries that we tend to watch, such as Blackfish. I usually don’t watch these things by myself in my free
time, so coming here to watch them is nice. I learn a lot of interesting things
that I didn’t know about, like the extremist performance artist Marina Abramović.
Looking into what’s coming in this class, it seems that we are about to start doing some group projects. I think this will be fun to an extent, getting to work with a group on a campaign assignment seems interesting. Although I have no idea what it’s going to be about, I don’t really have any negative thoughts. I guess if there’s one thing that I dislike about this class it would have to be the timing of the screening period and the discussion section. The 4.5 hour break between them is a bit awkward in terms of scheduling.